Cinderella the Cat (Italian: Gatta Cenerentola) is a 2017 Italian animated film directed by Alessandro Rak (who previously directed The Art of Happiness), Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri and Dario Sansone, loosely based on the Giambattista Basile's fable of the same name and Roberto De Simone's musical La Gatta Cenerentola. The plot is set in a decaying future Naples and concerns a mysterious mute teenager called Mia, who struggles to escape from the Camorra boss Salvatore Lo Giusto and her vicious stepmother Angelica.
商品屬性 [片名] 貓姑娘 Gatta Cenerentola (2017) 藍光影片25G [年份] 2017 [格式] 藍光25G [片裝數] 1 [發音] 英語 [字幕] 中文繁體/中文簡體 購買過此商品的人還購買過