The film is set in the 60s of the 20th century, during the Cold War and the space race between USSR and the United States. Russians plan to send a man into space. Military pilot Pavel Belyayev and Alexey Leonov are ready to step into the open space. But on the way they face many obstacles and dangers. 《太空第一步》由《危樓愚夫》導演尤里‧貝科夫執導,影片紀錄了俄羅斯宇航員帕維爾‧貝爾耶夫和阿列克謝‧列昂諾夫在1965年進行首次太空行走。
商品屬性 [片名] 太空第一步 Vremya pervikh/Spacewalkers (2017) 藍光25G [年份] 2017 [格式] 藍光25G [片裝數] 1 [發音] 俄語 [字幕] 中文繁體/中文簡體 購買過此商品的人還購買過